Friday, November 10, 2006

The BAU-XI Gallery Opening

This spring Parker had a wonderful profile written on his life and work by Andrea Rabinovitch which appeared in AQUA Magazine, Spring 2006. The article included a beautifully rendered action photograph of Parker starting a painting by Ken Sakamoto. (Read the text of the article .)
The BAU-XI Gallery in Vancouver had a successful showing of Parker’s most recent paintings titled “ Firsthand Impressions “. The show ran from August 12th - August 26th. It included fifteen new paintings ranging in size from two by two feet to five by five feet.

Beyond the Brush

The book "Beyond the Brush" was launched at the opening of Parker's April art exhibitions. The book included all the paintings from the two art exhibitions along with a number of earlier paintings which reflected some of the transitions in his work. The biography covered the period from his childhood to where he is today. (Read the text of the book.)
On July 9th Parker will be part of the 40th anniversary exhibition of the founding of the BAU-XI Gallery in Vancouver.
The very prestigious Winchester Gallery in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada has now become the dealer for Parkers’ paintings in the city.

The Masters Gallery/Boulevard Magazine

In March, Randolph Parker had a major profile written by Shelagh Plunkett on his paintings published in BOULEVARD Magazine, Volume XIII / Issue 3 / March-April / 2005. (Read the Text from this article) under Biography in this web site.
The article included five paintings, never seen before, which would be available at his upcoming art exhibitions taking place at the Masters Gallery, Calgary and the Mayberry Gallery in Winnipeg, starting April 9th and 10th respectively.
Success for Parker: The Masters Gallery in Calgary had a sold out opening of Parkers paintings on April 9th. The line up of people who waited at the door were rewarded for their patience with some outstanding paintings. Parkers’ exhibition was the first opening at the Masters Gallery new location. The Mayberry Gallery in Winnipeg had a near sold-out opening on April 10th. Between the two galleries fifty-four of Parkers’ paintings were sold that weekend.