Friday, December 11, 2009


Mistaya was on view at the Masters Gallery in Calgary, Alberta for a short period of time before being placed with its new owner.
For further information on the painting or to view the book produced showing the stages of its development please contact Masters Gallery, 1-403-245-2064.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hidden Wonders

Hidden Wonders is a new painting created for Mayberry Fine Arts in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It has just been shipped to the gallery and will be presented in the near future. The work measures 36 x 36 inches and is painted using acrylics on canvas. The work is meant to engage the viewer in the complexities of the natural world and simultaneously hint at an abstraction of movement and colour.

Friday, December 04, 2009

The painting Mistaya has now been sent to the Masters Gallery in Calgary and is in the process of being framed. The above photograph shows a few of the developmental stages that occurred during the creation of this work of art.
